The Grandeur International School



• Our Teaching Practices at the Kindergarten •

Our approach takes into consideration the age of the children and adopts a balanced approach at the kindergarten level by building their skillsets in moulding personality skills, cognitive skills, language skills, sensory motor skills, and creative skills. Teachers observe and document student progress during work and play.


Personality Skills
  • Children are taught Skills of social interaction, listening, conversing, feeling, thinking, compassion and tolerance by sharing ideas and experiences with each other during this time of development, which is a thought provoking period of reflection and learning.
Cognitive Skills
  • Math: The curriculum exposes children to various methodologies of counting, understanding concept of quantity and operation in a creative way such as games, number rhymes, puzzles, challenges, and other interesting activities. This approach actually helps children analyze and explore a fetish for numbers and problem solving.
  • Science’s: The curriculum provides children with multiple stimuli and cues based on the environment helping them discover, observe, investigate and question discoveries.
Sensomoto Skills
  • The syllabus equips the children with an understanding of touch, feel, fine motor skills and hand- eye co-ordination. It also helps to kick start the imagination and facilitate group activity. This is achieved by various methods, however one of the most used is sand play as it is a catalyst for developing concepts, constructing language, and promoting social skills. It gives children a chance to observe science concepts like wet and dry, volume, pouring and sifting, and other cause and effect phenomena in a hands-on way.
  • Work with Nature/Gardening: Getting children sensitive to their environment, building on observational skills and taking responsibility through acts of caring and nurturing.
  • Touch and feel: Many developmental and foundational skills are acquired here through observations in nature, construction (building blocks, clay), pretend play, reading and understanding concepts of reuse-and-recycle centers. Teachers act as observers, as they document the students’ progress while they play and work.
  • Cooking and Baking: These and other work skills help children experience the satisfaction of everyday tasks, and also absorb a multitude of math, science and language skills.
Language Skills
  • Teacher-Led Instruction: While the class is at work in the learning centres, one of the two teachers in the class works in rotation with a small group of students on different skill areas.
  • Reading
  • Language: The language programmes at the Kindergarten exposes children to vocabulary, grammar, phonics and most importantly expression as an exciting blend. Children work and play with words and objects to develop and improve speaking and language skills. The success of the programme is reflected by their ability to read fluently and write with confidence.
  • Students are exposed to good reading materials right at the KG1 level with a well-supported library that caters to the needs of the children. Students are introduced to reading classes from day one itself, so that they may learn how to manage their books, understand illustrations, build their own stories around these illustrations and begin with the concept of reading.
  • Our focus at the KG 2 level is on understanding the child’s interest towards illustrations and books based on which children start exhibiting reading like behavior and are encouraged to reconstruct familiar stories. By the end of the year children are capable to read familiar text, labels and captions.
  • By age 4, our kindergarteners start reading and by the end of age 5 they are able to read three to four letter words and sentences.