The Grandeur International School



Our clinic is equipped to handle basic emergency and medical situation that may arise. Furthermore, Grandeur international is associated with Acura Hospital in case of any emergency beyond the clinics capacity. We have a well-qualified nurse who attends to any child who falls ill during school.

The following are the main features of our health policy:

• If the child has a temperature, parents are requested not to send him / her to school, even to attend an exam.
• Similarly, students who are suffering from infectious diseases should not come to school. In case a student is found to have an infectious disease during school hours, he / she will be asked to go home immediately.
• The clinic administers treatment if the child is suffering from minor complaints like a fever or aches, and administers first aid in the case of sprains, fractures, deep cuts etc.
• However if the illness is of a serious nature, the parents will be informed and will have to take the child home.
• Parents must inform the school of previous surgeries, chronic illnesses, allergies or conditions that their child might have " whether these are physical, learning related or emotional " in order to prevent further harm, deterioration or life threatening situations. Parents should instruct the nurse on any emergency medication that their child needs.